• Health Care Professionals’ Experiences and Perspectives on Using Telehealth for Home-based Palliative Care: Scoping Review 

      Lundereng, Elias David; Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; Holmen, Heidi; Winger, Anette; Thygesen, Hilde; Jøranson, Nina; Borge, Christine Råheim; Dajani, Olav; Mariussen, Kari; Steindal, Simen Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: Telehealth seems feasible for use in home-based palliative care (HBPC). It may improve access to health care professionals (HCPs) at patients’ homes, reduce hospital admissions, enhance patients’ feelings of ...
    • Health education competence, self-management 

      Vågan, Andre; Eika, Kari; Skirbekk, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background: The health education competence of health professionals who deliver self-management programmes to those with long-term health challenges have been little reported and discussed in either Nordic or international ...
    • Health literacy profiling in persons with psoriasis – A cluster analysis 

      Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Hermansen, Åsmund; Borge, Christine Råheim; Strumse, Yndis A. Staalesen; Andersen, Marit Helen; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad (Journal article, 2021)
      Objective: To explore health literacy (HL) profiles within a cohort of people with psoriasis. A cluster approach identifies groups of individuals that have similar HL profiles. The method unmasks sub‐groups with ...
    • Health promotion in specialist and community care: how a broadly applicable health promotion intervention influences patient’s sense of coherence 

      Heggdal, Kristin; Løvaas, Beate Jelstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Background Chronic illness health interventions aim to strengthen individuals' wellness resources, in addition to their ability to handle their condition. This presupposes a partnership between patients and professionals ...
    • Health-care professionals' assessment of a person-centered intervention to empower self-management and health across chronic illness: Qualitative findings from a process evaluation study. 

      Heggdal, Kristin; Mendelsohn B., Joshua; Stepanian, Natalie; Oftedal, Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland; Larsen, Marie Hamilton (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Abstract Background: Person-centred care (PCC) empowers patients to manage their chronic illness and promote their health in accordance with their own beliefs, values and preferences. Drawing on health-care professional's ...
    • Health-related quality of life in patients with COVID-19; international development of a patient-reported outcome measure 

      Amdal, Cecilie Delphin; Taylor, Katherine; Kuliś, Dagmara; Falk, Ragnhild Sørum; Bottomley, Andrew; Arraras, Juan Ignacio; Barte, James Harold; Darlington, Anne Sophie; Hofsø, Kristin; Holzner, Bernard; Jørgensen, Nina Marie Høyning; Mariano, Melissa Paulita; Pe, Madeline; Piccinin, Claire; Riccetti, Nicola; Schranz, Melanie; Wheelwright, Sally; Bjordal, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: We aimed to create a questionnaire to assess the health-related quality of life including functioning, symptoms, and general health status of adult patients with current or previous COVID-19. Here, we report ...
    • Health-related quality of life issues, including symptoms, in patients with active COVID-19 or post COVID-19; a systematic literature review 

      Amdal, Cecilie Delphin; Pe, Madeline; Falk, Ragnhild Sørum; Piccinin, Claire; Bottomley, Andrew; Arraras, Juan Ignacio; Darlington, Anne Sophie; Hofsø, Kristin; Holzner, Bernhard; Jørgensen, Nina Marie Høyning; Kulis, Dagmara; Rimehaug, Stein Arne; Singer, Susanne; Taylor, Katherine; Wheelwright, Sally; Bjordal, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Purpose This systematic review was performed to identify all relevant health-related quality of life (HRQoL) issues associated with COVID-19. Methods A systematic literature search was undertaken in April 2020. In four ...
    • Healthcare professionals in COVID-19-intensive care units in Norway: Preparedness and working conditions: A cohort study 

      Lie, Irene; Stafseth, Siv Anna Ulla-Britt Karlsson; Skogstad, Laila; Hovland, Ingvild Strand; Hovde, Haakon; Ekeberg, Øivind; Ræder, Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Abstract Objective To survey the healthcare professionals’ background and experiences from work with patients with COVID-19 in intensive care units (ICUs) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway. Design ...
    • Helhetlig omsorg på akuttmottak 

      Støten, Karoline Lind (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Problemstilling Hvordan kan sykepleier på akuttmottak ivareta psykososiale behov hos pasienter med uavklarte brystsmerter? Teoretisk perspektiv Det er benyttet teori om brystsmerter, krisereaksjoner og mestringsstrategier ...
    • Helse er mer enn fravær av sykdom 

      Ukjent forfatter (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Problemstilling Hvilken betydning har ivaretakelse av psykososiale behov for livskvalitet hos pasienter med ALS? Teoretisk perspektiv Det teoretiske grunnlaget innledes med fakta om sykdommen, om grunnleggende behov og ...
    • Helsepedagogisk kompetanse, læring og mestring 

      Vågan, André; Eika, Kari; Skirbekk, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-12-09)
      Bakgrunn: Helsepedagogisk kompetanse hos fagpersoner som gir lærings- og mestringstilbud til personer med langvarige helseutfordringer, er i liten grad omtalt og diskutert, verken i nordisk eller i internasjonal ...
    • Helsepersonells erfaringer med endring av praksis i sykehjem 

      Storlien, Marit Sund; Sørlie, Venke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-28)
      Bakgrunn: Forskning på kvalitet i norske sykehjem viser at tross kompetansehevende tiltak gjennom flere år, møter endringsprosesser i sykehjem motstand. Det etterlyses systematiske utviklingsprogram for å bedre personalets ...
    • Helseveiledning etter gjennomgått hjerteinfarkt 

      Ukjent forfatter (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      Innledning: Temaet for oppgaven er helseveiledning til pasienter som har gjennomgått hjerteinfarkt. For å få kontroll over egen situasjon og helse, og for å mestre sekudærforebyggende tiltak etter utskrivelse kan pasientene ...
    • Helseveiledning på sengepost etter gjennomgått hjerteinfarkt 

      Ukjent forfatter (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Problemstilling: «Hvordan kan sykepleier på sengepost gjennom helseveiledning, fremme god egenomsorg hos pasienter med gjennomgått hjerteinfarkt?» Teoretisk kunnskapsgrunnlag: Teorien omfatter patofysiologi, symptomer, ...
    • Holdninger blant sykepleiere relatert til pasienter med en emosjonelt ustabil personlighetsforstyrrelse 

      Ukjent forfatter (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Problemstilling ”På hvilken måte påvirker sykepleiers holdninger samhandlingen med en pasient som har en emosjonelt ustabil personlighetsforstyrrelse?”. Teoretisk perspektiv Oppgaven bygger på sykepleiefaglig kunnskap ...
    • Holdninger og smertelindring 

      Ukjent forfatter (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Problemstilling Hvilken påvirkning kan sykepleiers holdninger ha på smertebehandling til pasienter med ruslidelser? Teoretisk perspektiv Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i etikk i form av de yrkesetiske retningslinjer og de ...
    • Holdninger over for rusmisbrukere 

      Malm, Jens Aga (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Problemstilling Hvordan kan holdninger få konsekvenser for behandlingen av rusmisbrukere på en somatisk sengepost? Teoretisk perspektiv I teoridelen vil temaene holdninger, stigma, roller og sykepleierens rammefaktorer ...
    • Home administration of needle injections for children with rheumatic diseases: A qualitative study on nurses’ perception of their educational role 

      Sørensen, Kari; Skirbekk, Helge; Kvarstein, Gunnvald; Wøien, Hilde (Journal article, 2022)
      Purpose: To explore nurses' perceptions of their educational role, pedagogical competence, and practice in teaching children with rheumatic diseases and their parents to manage subcutaneous injections at home. Design ...
    • How may cultural and political ideals cause moral distress in acute psychiatry? A qualitative study 

      Jansen, Trine-Lise; Danbolt, Lars Johan; Hanssen, Ingrid; Hem, Marit Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background There is growing public criticism of the use of restraints or coercion. Demands for strengthened patient participation and prevention of coercive measures in mental health care has become a priority for care ...
    • Humanizing and dehumanizing intensive care: Thematic synthesis (HumanIC) 

      Nielsen, Anne Højager; Kvande, Monica Evelyn; Angel, Sanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Critical illness and the intensive care unit can be a terrifying experience to patients and relatives and they may experience the extreme life-saving measures as dehumanizing. Humanizing intensive care is ...