Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 107-126 of 209
Kompetanse, faglig selvtillit og pasientsikkerhet : erfart kompetansebehov hos intensivsykepleiere ved en intensivavdeling nivå 1 på et lokalsykehus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Bakgrunn: Organisering av spesialisthelsetjenesten har i løpet av 20 år utviklet seg fra mange sykehus med brede funksjoner og kompetanse, til et hierarkisk system der spesialkompetansen er samlet i få sykehus. Omtalte ... -
Life after paediatric brain tumour; the perspectives of the survivors and their parents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims: To explore how long-term and late effects of paediatric brain tumours influence the everyday lives of survivors at various ages and their parents. Design: A qualitative interview study using reflexive thematic ... -
«Lite visste vi hvordan vårsemesteret 2020 ville bli» – en tverrsnittstudie om pandemiens innvirkning på intensivsykepleiestudentenes opplevelser i vårsemesteret 2020
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Bakgrunn: Midt i vårsemesteret 2020 ble SARS-CoV-2 erklært som pandemi. Studiehverdagen til landets intensivsykepleiestudenter ble brått snudd på hodet. All undervisning ble digital, og det var stor usikkerhet rundt ... -
Making room for life and death at the same time – a qualitative study of health and social care professionals’ understanding and use of the concept of paediatric palliative care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: The concept of pediatric palliative care (PPC) is applied differently within the healthcare system andamong healthcare professionals (HCPs). To our knowledge, no studies have investigated how multidisciplinary ... -
Many Patients with Persistent Pain One Year After TKA Report Improvement by 5-7 years: A Mixed Methods Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Approximately 20% of patients report pain 12 months after TKA. No studies have investigated patients’ experiences of living with persistent postsurgical pain 5 to 7 years after TKA by combining a qualitative ... -
Målrettet ultralyd av vena cava inferior for vurdering av volumstatus utført av sykepleiere med en avansert funksjon – en systematisk litteraturstudie
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Bakgrunn: Ultralydmåling av respirasjonsavhengige endringer i diameter av vena cava inferior kan hjelpe klinikeres vurderinger ved væskeresuscitering av hemodynamisk ustabile pasienter. Det er enkelt å gjennomføre, ... -
Meeting psychosocial needs for persons with dementia in home care services – a qualitative study of different perceptions and practices among health care providers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background The majority of persons with dementia are home-dwelling. To enable these persons to stay in their own homes as long as possible, a holistic, individual and flexible care is recommended. Despite a requirement for ... -
Microbubble contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the vascular evaluation after pancreas transplantation: a single-center experience
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background: Arterial and venous thrombosis are feared complications of pancreas transplantation (PTx). Microbubble contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a non-invasive imaging technique that can augment diagnostic ... -
Microdialysis and CO2 sensors detect pancreatic ischemia in a porcine model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Pancreatic transplantation is associated with a high rate of early postoperative graft thrombosis. If a thrombosis is detected in time, a potentially graft-saving intervention can be initiated. Current postoperative ... -
Mobil intensivsykepleier (MIS): Resultater fra en 6 måneders observasjonsstudie
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Bakgrunn: Mobile intensivsykepleiere (MIS) er etablert ved Oslo universitetssykehus, Ullevål, men det foreligger lite kunnskap om hvordan slike ressurser benyttes, og hva som karakteriserer oppdragene. Hensikt: Å kartlegge ... -
Mothers’ experiences and perceptions of facility-based delivery care in rural Ethiopia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In Ethiopia, delivery wards are a part of primary healthcare services. However, although the maternal mortality rate is very high, approximately 50% of mothers use skilled birth attendants. This study focused on how women ... -
A multicenter international prospective study of the validity and reliability of a COVID-19-specific health-related quality of life questionnaire
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose: To develop and validate a health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaire for patients with current or previous coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in an international setting. Methods: This multicenter international ... -
A new treatment for eating disorders combining physical exercise and dietary therapy (the PED-t): experiences from patients who dropped out
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: Eating disorders (ED) are complex and severe illnesses where evidence-based treatment is needed to recover. However, about half of the patients with ED do not respond to treatments currently available, which call ... -
A new treatment for eating disorders combining physical exercise and dietary therapy (the PED-t): experiences from patients who dropped out
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose: Eating disorders (ED) are complex and severe illnesses where evidence-based treat- ment is needed to recover. However, about half of the patients with ED do not respond to treatments currently available, which ... -
Norske intensivsykepleiestudenters tilfredshet med og opplevelse av intensivsykepleiestudiet. En tverrsnittstudie.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Bakgrunn: Studenters erfaringer og tilfredshet med studieprogram er parametere som kan brukes til å måle studiekvalitet. Denne studien er den første landsdekkende tverrsnittsundersøkelsen for studenter i intensivsykepleie ... -
Norwegian nursing students' experience of international clinical placement abroad: A qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Background: For several years, the Norwegian government's goal has been that half of those who complete a degree in Norwegian higher education, should have had a study period abroad. This also applies to undergraduate ... -
Nurses’ and Doctors’ Experiences of Transferring Adolescents or Young Adults With Long-Term Health Conditions From Pediatric to Adult Care: A Metasynthesis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The transfer of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with long-term health conditions from pediatric to adult care is a multidisciplinary enterprise where nurses and doctors play an important role. This review aimed to ... -
Nurses’ ethical challenges when providing care in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Older, frail patients with multimorbidity are at an especially high risk for disease severity anddeath from COVID-19. The social restrictions proved challenging for the residents, their relatives, and thecare ... -
Nurses’ reports of staffing adequacy and surgical site infections: a cross-sectional multi-centre study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background It is indicated that healthcare personnel’s perceptions of the work environment may reflect the clinical outcomes for the patients they care for. However, the body of evidence is inconsistent when it comes to ... -
Nursing interventions to cover patients' basic needs in the intensive care context - A systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aim To examine the content, theoretical frameworks and effectiveness of nursing interventions utilizing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in the intensive care unit (ICU). Design A systematic review and narrative ...